Admission Requirements

Admission to University Honors is dependent on grade point average, application essays, demonstrated leadership, and academic success. The Faculty Admissions Committee reviews all applications for critical thinking and writing skills. Listed below is a summary of the University Honors admission criteria for each entry portal. For questions and more information, please visit the FAQ page.

Students who meet the GPA requirement for University Honors will receive an invitation to apply, via email, during the application periods noted below. Should you meet the GPA requirement and not receive an invitation to apply, please contact

Students who are in their third year, or beyond, but can still commit to at least two full academic years in University Honors, may still be eligible to apply. Please contact for more information if this situation pertains to you.

Entry Portal Requirements Application Period Additional Admissions Criteria
First-Year Students
  1. 3.80 UC-Calculated GPA
  2. Satisfaction of Entry Level Writing Requirement, and eligibility to register for ENGL004, or higher, fall quarter
Early-March to Mid-March

Excellent High School Record of:

  1. Scholarship
  2. Leadership
  3. Community Involvement

Rising Second-Year

UCR Students

  1. 3.50 Cumulative UCR GPA
  2. Completion of ENGL001B with a grade of "C" or better, and eligibility to register for HNPG002W fall quarter
Early-April to Mid-April

Excellent UCR Record of:

  1. Scholarship
  2. Leadership
  3. Community Involvement

Rising Third-Year

UCR Students

  1. 3.50 Cumulative UCR GPA
  2. Completion of ENGL001C, or equivalent Writing Across the Curriculum course, with a grade of "C" or better by fall quarter
  3. Two or more years remaining at UCR
Early-April to Mid-April

Excellent UCR Record of:

  1. Scholarship
  2. Leadership
  3. Community Involvement
  4. Interest in Pursuit of Undergraduate Research, Creative Activity, or Experiential Learning
Incoming Transfer Students
  1. 3.25 UC-Calculated GPA
  2. Completion of ENGL001C, or equivalent, by the quarter of admission
  3. Two or more years remaining at UCR
Early-April to Early-June

Excellent Transfer Institution Record of:

  1. Scholarship
  2. Leadership
  3. Community Involvement
  4. Interest in Pursuit of Undergraduate Research, Creative Activity, or Experiential Learning